April 24, 2005, Sunday – We left Marion about 1:00 pm, headed for Athens,
Alabama, to start our journey back to Lake Michigan. Greg road the Harley and our good friend
Randy Powers and I drove the truck loaded with all our supplies for the
trip. We were held up twice due to
auto accidents and once due to a gas shortage on Greg’s part. Fortunately, Randy and I were close behind
and were able to get a gas can and bring Greg some fuel. Of course we had one heck of a laugh at
Greg’s expense. We pulled into Athens
around 10:00 pm, unloaded the truck and got settled onto the boat. We relaxed, watched a movie and called it
a night.

April 25, 2005, Monday – The three of us went to the restaurant up the
dock and enjoyed a great breakfast.
Afterward Greg and Randy unloaded our old furniture and put it in the
truck. They pulled out the carpet so
that Greg could wash it and then took down the canvas so he could wash that
too. I worked on the teak until Greg
needed some supplies. Randy and I ran
into Rogersville to the hardware to pick up what he needed. About noon we loaded the old deck
furniture into the truck and Randy was headed back to Marion. We are really grateful for all of Randy’s
help. Late in the afternoon Mike and
Carol Smith came down to the boat and Mike helped us finish washing the
canvas and getting the carpet back onto the boat. I finished sanding the teak
Carol was recovering from kidney surgery. We were glad that she was doing well. The four of us were heading for supper when a sail boat came in
and we helped tie them up. Little did
we know then that these people would become our new best friends for the next
couple of days. We said our good-byes
to Mike and Carol and hope that we will be seeing them again soon. We very much appreciate their friendship.

April 26, 2005, Tuesday – Greg and I got up early and went to
breakfast. Greg invited the people on
the sail boat from last night to join us.
There were going up there for breakfast anyway. We found out that their names were John
and Nancy Watlington. After we ate we
joined them on their boat for bloody Mary’s and decided to head for
Florence. The weather was crappy but
Greg called Florence and they said it was sunny there. The trip from Athens to Florence was a
wet, cold and windy mess. J said he
clocked a wind gust of 52 mph. We
went through two locks and each time it stopped raining when we went
through. When we got to Wilson lock
the sun came out and the rest of the day in Florence was beautiful. We fueled up and pumped out and got into
our slip. It was great to be back in
Florence again. We met the new owner
of the marina and saw our old friends Terry and Ron again. J, Nancy, Greg, and I went to the newly
opened restaurant and had a wonderful supper. After that J and Nancy came
over to our boat and J introduced Greg to Kentucky Gentleman. Nancy and I had a Brendans on ice. Greg and J’s plan was for us to leave
tomorrow but I had a feeling that wasn’t going to happen. At least I hope not. I am not quite ready to leave here. What a great day.

April 27, 2005, Wednesday – Ron made special arrangements to fix breakfast
for the four of us. It was great and
so generous of him to do that.
Afterwards Nancy and I borrowed the van and went to run errands. We went to the grocery, Sams Club, auto
parts store, hardware store, and forgot to go to the liquor store. By the time we got back to the marina it
was 1:00 pm and J and Greg were worn out doing their chores so we decided to
stay another night. I thought maybe
that might happen. I of course was
not disappointed. Nancy and I decided
to borrow the van again and went to the yarn shop, grocery store for Ron, and
several liquor stores looking for more Kentucky Gentleman, which we never did
find. It was a great day. We had supper again at the marina and then
went to J and Nancy’s boat for a nightcap.
We have really enjoyed knowing them.
We had a great time and lots of laughs with them. They are headed south somewhere. I hope we run into them again.

April 28, 2005, Thursday – We left Florence around 7:00 am, headed for
Clifton Marina. I wanted to make it
there by 8:00 pm so I could watch “Survivor.” Unfortunately when we got to Pickwick Lock and Dam we had a 4 ½
hour wait to lock through. Needless
to say I missed “Survivor.” Or so I
thought. I got a message on my cell
phone from Nancy that said how the democrats would never have pre-empted
Thursday night tv for a political speech.
I still don’t know if Stephanie got voted off or not. Nancy and I are both hoping she wins. When we pulled into Clifton, Tammy grabbed
the lines and started tying us off and then she and I ran into the building
to see if we couldn’t catch the end of “Survivor” only to see the beginning
of “CSI.” Oh, Well, maybe next
week. Greg and Gene had a beer and
then we called it a night. The ride to Clifton was cold and wet. After we got past Pickwick we made good

April 29, 2005, Friday – We left Clifton around 9:00 am and were hoping to
make it to Green Turtle Bay. The trip
was cold and rainy. We decided to
skip Green Turtle Bay but the good part was that we ended up in Paris Landing
State Park. As soon as we tied up it
started pouring down rain and never stopped until the morning. The park rangers took us to the lodge
where we had a wonderful seafood buffet and got to see some injured wild
birds. They also had cable tv and I
got to watch “Law and Order” all night long.
It is a wonderful place. We
also found out that they have 3 golf courses in the area. We decided that on our trip back in the
fall we would stop here again and play some golf.

April 30, 2005, Saturday – In the morning we got up around 8:00 am and the
park ranger took us to the lodge again where we had a great breakfast. It wasn’t raining so we decided to walk back
to the boat. We fueled up and pumped
out and got away around 10:00 am. We
got to Kentucky Lock and Dam and were held up there for nearly 2 hours. We continued to press on and had about 10
min. of sunshine, but at least it didn’t rain as much. The lake was choppy and it was very
windy. We got into Paducah right
before dark and tied up to the city wharf.
Greg and I hunkered down and watched a movie and called it an early
night. It isn’t as much fun traveling
the rivers when you have a time schedule.
Most of our days have been uneventful.

May 1, 2005, Sunday – We got an early start this morning and by 11:30 we
were on the Mississippi. We lost 5
mph when we turned up the Mississippi so it became slow going. We dodged lots of railroad ties, trees,
even a whole pallet, and it has been fairly turbulent. We made it to the Diversion Channel around
6:00 pm and got anchored. There were
already 2 other boats here. Greg got
out the grill and we cooked some supper.
Some guys in a johnboat came by and visited with us for a while. They seemed nice enough. It was their first boat ride of the
season. They said they weren’t fishing
but just out having a couple of beers.
The good part about this trip is that I am getting tons of knitting
done and we are both getting daily naps.
Its great! We will probably
watch another movie tonight and call it an early evening. Our plan is to leave about 5:00 am so that
we don’t get into Hoppies too late tomorrow.

May 2, 2005, Monday – It was still dark when we left this morning. 5:00 am!!! We got to watch the sunrise over the Mississippi. It was beautiful. The whole day was sunny but cool. You would think this time of the year it
would be a little warmer. Our goal
was to get to Hoppies today and from Diversion Channel it is 110 miles. It was a long day. We got into Hoppies around 8:00 pm. One of the boats that was with us in the
channel also ended up here with us.
Come to find out they were bringing the boat back up from Mobile where
a dock mate from St. Joe had taken it to sell. The guy who bought it is from Chicago and he had to bring it
back to Lake Michigan. Small world. Also found out that Joey’s girlfriend died
suddenly of a heart attack. She was 52
and in great health. Very sad. It is good to be back at Hoppies. Tomorrow we are leaving and going to leave
the boat here for 2 weeks. When we
come back Mary and P.D. will be with us.
Greg and I are excited that they are coming with us. It has been a while since we all went on a
trip together. We are really looking
forward to it. I have to add pictures
to this log later. Greg forgot to
bring the adapter and I am using different software and have to figure out
how to do it. So maybe later there will
be some pictures. Will be back on the
16th of May and can’t wait to get back on the journey.

May 15, 2005, Sunday – This morning started with the four of us meeting
Randy at Bob Evans in Marion for breakfast.
He was kind enough to help us out again and drive us to Hoppies in
Kimmswick, MO. The drive was
uneventful and we got there around 1:00 or 2:00 pm. The kids haven’t seen Hoppie and Fern in 6
years and they all had a good time reacquainting. It was great being back to the boat. Randy took the kids and me to the grocery and he went to
Wal-Mart to get some cable for Greg.
We got back to the boat and decided to have an early supper before
Randy left. We all went to the Blue
Owl and had a great meal. We said our
good-byes to Randy at the Blue Owl and we walked back to the boat. Greg, Mary, and I visited again with
Hoppie and Fern, and P.D. was trying his hand at fishing. By sunset we were alone on the dock. Greg and the kids were fishing and I was
on the boat knitting. As I looked out
on the dock watching them fish I don’t think I could have been happier. It just felt so good to be all together
again. We laughed and had such
fun. Today was one of those perfect

May 16, 2005, Monday – We left Hoppies at 7:00 am. The kids were still in bed and there was a
mist over the river. Several hours
later the kids got up. The trip up
the river was uneventful and we got to the Illinois river in the
afternoon. We stopped at mile 20 and
had supper at Mel’s Riverdock Restaurant.
The food is fantastic. They
really do have a 2” pork chop. After supper we went back to the boat and did
a few chores. Greg installed a new tv
antennae and I did a little sanding on the rub rail. We will probably watch a little tv and call
it an early night. The
weather has been beautiful these past few days. I don’t think it is going to continue. The kids are bummed because there is no
phone signal here. I don’t like it
much either. But tomorrow it can all
be different.
October Log
10/17/2005 Monday 10:00 pm - Well, I have finally had time to sit
down and update our page. This year our trip started out
strangely. Greg Left on the 12th with our friend Gunner
Prins .
They crossed the lake and it was flat. They made it down just past O'Brien
Lock the first night. The next day they got started heading to Harborside
Marina and it was a beautiful morning on the Cal
Sag. All systems were running well so far.
They got into Harborside at 5:00 pm and had supper at the restaurant.
The plan was to leave the next morning but they got fogged in until
noon. They made it to
Henry Marina and spent the night there. Gunner is an experienced
sailor but on this, his first trip down the river, he did learn a new way to
handle a tiller. I believe they have called it the keister method of
steering after passing by this guy headed south by himself. We bet
he'd need Preparation H by the time he got to Florida. On the 15th Judy Prins and her
daughter Amanda came to Marion and picked me up and we were headed to
Beardstown to catch up with Greg and Gunner. The drive was a long one
but we did have fun. Crossing Illinois was interesting. They
were harvesting soybeans and it was very dusty. By the time we got to
Beardstown we were all coughing up soybean dust. We actually felt like
we were in an episode of the Twilight Zone entitled "The Never Ending
Road." When we finally got to
Beardstown it was a feat to get our stuff onto the boat, but we managed. The next morning we all went to breakfast and we decided it
would be a good idea for the Prins family to join us down the river to our
next stop. It was a great ride and we had a wonderful time. I
had hoped that we would have seen some bald eagles or pelicans but no luck
this time. We
ended up at Mel's Riverdock in Hardin, IL. When we got tied up
Greg and Gunner unloaded the Harley. It was somewhat of a challenge to
get the boat off the dock but with a little help from onlookers they managed
to get the job done. Greg and I took the bike back to Beardstown and
picked up their car. When we got back we all went to dinner at
Mel's. It was great as usual. The next morning we got up bright
and early and parted ways with Gunner, Judy, and Amanda. We all
had a wonderful time and wished they were coming with us at least to St.
Louis. Maybe next year. Greg and I headed down the river.
Just another 20 miles till the confluence of the Illinois River with the Mississippi.
Our goal for today was to get to Hoppies. We weren't two hours out
when I spotted PELICANS!! I was so sorry that Judy had missed
them. Next year for sure. Still haven't seen bald eagles. The
ride down river was beautiful. The falls colors are just starting but
they say they won't be as brilliant this year because of the drought.
As we were waiting to go down at lock 27 another trawler that had been
traveling down also was having shaft trouble. We asked if we could
help and they explained to Greg what the problem was. Greg was able to
talk them through it and they continued on past St.
Louis to Hoppies. When we got
there Greg got his tools and helped them repair the problem, at least till
they could make it to a marina with a service department where they could
get the shaft aligned. We ended up with our own trouble, so today we
are heading to the battery place to replace our house batteries. What
a lovely expense. Oh, well, it could be worse. We did end the
day with a beautiful moon rising over the Mississippi. What a
wonderful evening.
10/18/2005 Tuesday 10:00 pm - I am so glad
we stayed in Hoppies another day. We borrowed the van and Glen, Warren,
Greg and I headed to run our errands. Our first stop was breakfast and
then on to Wal-Mart, the grocery store, and the battery store. The
rest of the day we spent doing housekeeping chores and the boat is ship
shape to leave early in the morning. We were lucky again and had a
great moon rise over the Mississippi. A wonderful end to a wonderful
10/19/2005 Wednesday 8:00 pm - We left at sunrise this morning headed for diversion channel. It is a 110 mile
ride. The current was fast today and we got the boat up to 15.3
mph. I think that is the fastest our boat ever went. It got to
the low 80's and was sunny all day. The barge traffic was steady and
we had no problems. Our new friends on the Kathy Ann were about an
hour behind us and they ran smooth all day also. We got into diversion
channel about 4:00 pm and settled in for the night. We have a little
television reception and got to watch some news. The Kathy Ann came in
about and hour and a half later. We had supper and then visited with
Glen and Warren for a little bit. I went to do the dishes and had no
water. Greg is working on the water pump now. I wonder what will
break tomorrow. I am just glad it isn't anything major and I am really
grateful that Greg can fix stuff. I am just hoping for a break free
day tomorrow.
10/20/2005 Thursday 7:00 pm - All hopes have
been dashed for a break free day. We left diversion channel and got to
enjoy a beautiful sunrise. The Mississippi was running swift again and
we really made good time. There was lots of barge traffic. We
got to the Ohio at 11:00 am and it was surprisingly quiet. Not a lot
of barge traffic. Maybe they were all on the Mississippi by
then. We had heard that the Ohio water was down but still hoped we
could just ride over the locks. No such luck. As many times as
we have been through here this was the first time we ever had to lock
through. The lock guys were very friendly. We also saw a floating dry dock with a tow in it being repaired. It was very
interesting. We made it to Paducah
around 4:00 pm and got tied up to the barge. There was a houseboat
just arriving also and they were waiting for their friends whose boat lost
an engine. We also are waiting for the Kathy Ann. They got way
behind us and now they will be trying to tie up to us in the dark.
Should be interesting. I made supper and we are waiting for everyone
to show up. In the mean time I notice a funny smell in the
salon. This of course is happening while a 52' trawler is trying to
tie up behind us. Greg finally gets into the boat and shuts down the
generator. He thinks that is the problem. This could be a big
problem. We shut it down and now just waiting for it to cool off and
he will check it out. I may be sitting in the dark in a few more
minutes. Going to shut down for now and conserve batteries.
10/21/2005 Friday 10:00 pm - Last night Glen and
Warren and the crippled boat all made it in to Paducah safely. Greg
fixed the generator and things seem to be running smoothly again. We
left this morning around 8:00 am and were the last to leave the barge.
On our way to the Kentucky Dam Lock we passed the houseboat, the motor
sailor, and met up with the 52' trawler at the lock, but no sign of Glen and
Warren. They must have continued up the Ohio and maybe to the
Cumberland. We got through the lock and headed to Green Turtle Bay to
pick up a new water pump, then headed to Paris Landing. It was good to
have running water and cable. We met Jim and Brenda on the Delta Mist
and went to the lodge with them to have supper. Then Greg and I came
back to the boat and called it a night.
10/23/2005 Sunday 9:00 pm - Saturday we slept in
and had a late breakfast. Greg got to work on the water pump and I did
a little housekeeping. He got the water running and checked out the
engine room and generator. All is running well again. The Adlerdice's came to visit their farm in Mayfield, KY which is only an hour
from here. They came to Paris Landing and we golfed 18 holes. It
was a beautiful day and we had a great time. I got my first
birdie! It was on the 13th hole. I hit the ball close to the
green and then chipped it in for the birdie. Carol and I were jumping
up and down screaming. She pared the hole and Ray and Greg each
got a 4. It was so sweet! We went to dinner at a place called
Seaton's, which was great, and then headed back to the boat. We had
some great conversation and then hit the hay. We slept in again this
morning and then went to the lodge for breakfast. Ray and Carol took
us to the grocery and then they had to head back to Michigan. The rest
of the day was cold and rainy and Greg and I spent it watching the Colt's
and then old movies. I knitted and Greg napped. It was a great
afternoon. I tried Donna's recipe of taco soup and it was
great. All in all it was a great weekend.
10/24/2005 Monday 7:30 pm - We left Paris
Landing around 11:00 am and decided to go to Pebble Isle Marina which is
only about 35 miles from Paris. It was a cold and gloomy ride but when
we got here we were met by Randy, the harbormaster, who remembered us from
last year. We also ran into Jim and Brenda. Of course now we
have to stay here until Wednesday because they are having a big cook
out. I am not sure what we are going to do. We did have supper
in the cafe and had some of the best catfish. They have their own
secret recipe for the coating. It was great. After supper we
headed back to the boat and are calling it a night.
10/25/2005 Tuesday 9:00 pm - It was a lazy
morning. Greg took the bike off the boat and washed it and got it
ready for us to ride. We putzed around the boat for a while and then
made a run to Wal-Mart. I needed to refill a couple of prescriptions
but I forgot to bring them. We just ended up picking up a few
groceries and then went back to the boat. At 5:00 pm they had a happy
hour again and Greg went up there but I stayed on the boat and made
tortellini soup. It was great. We hunkered down and watched some
10/26/2005 Wednesday 10:00 pm - Greg and I got up
early, hopped on the bike and went to Jeff's for breakfast. I
remembered to bring my prescriptions and we dropped them off at
Wal-Mart. We bought some movies in the 5.50 bin and I think I found a
replacement camera for the Nikon Mary borrowed from it. It is a
Canon. I am still trying to decide if I like it or not. We
couldn't pick up the meds because I forgot my wallet that had my insurance
card. So we dropped off the stuff we got at the boat, I picked up my
wallet and then we went sight seeing. We drove up to the state park
and went to the top of Pilot Knob for a spectacular view. We
could even see the marina. There was also a great view of the Dupont
factory and some other factory too. As we were coming down the
mountain there was a side road that led to a cute little log cabin that you
can rent by the night, week, or month. We also made a stop to Birdsong and
visited the Pearl Farm. We were running late and started back to the
marina. We didn't want to miss the cook out so we decided to go
afterwards back to Wal-Mart to pick up the meds. The cook out was
great and there was lots of entertainment and good food. We met Harold
and Kelly there and afterwards we all went back to Wal-Mart. By then
the pharmacy was closed and we were out of luck. But Greg was really
impressed with the amount of beer that Harold could pile into a cart. We helped them unload and visited with them for a while. It was a
great night.
10/27/2005 Thursday 9:30 pm - We left Pebble Isle
before noon and headed for Mermaid Marina. Harold and Kelly were
leaving at the same time in their boat "Final Approach."
They decided to stop into Mermaid also. About an hour or so after we
left we ended up a little off channel and touched bottom for a moment.
"Final Approach" was right behind us but avoided the shallow water
but ended up picking up some sort of vibration anyway. Harold couldn't
figure out what it was and was hoping it would fix itself. On the way
we saw a tow on land. How did they do that? We got into
Mermaid around 4 or 5 and Harold had reserved a car for us. The four
of us got into the Lincoln and headed for the Magnolia. It was a homey
restaurant and the food was great. We had a great evening.
10/28/2005 Friday 10:00 pm - Harold and Kelly left
early this morning. We couldn't talk them into staying and playing
golf with us. We will miss them. Greg and I had a tee time of
10:00 am. The golf course sent someone to pick us up. The Tennessee River Golf Club is a wonderful course. The greens were
beautiful. We played 18 holes and it was a beautiful day. It occurred
to me I didn't have my meds and left my prescription bottles at the Wal-Mart
in Waverly. So we borrowed the Lincoln again and Greg and I headed to
Waverly to finally get my meds. What a pain in the butt.
10/29/2005 Saturday 9:00 pm - We decided to play
another 18 holes at the Tennessee River Golf Club and got a 10:00 am tee
time again. They were nice enough to pick us up again. It was
another beautiful day. We ended up meeting someone who's father worked
at Bell Fiber. His name was VonGeistler, or something like that.
When we got to the marina we decided to head for Clifton Marina. On
the way there we spotted a pair of bald eagles! They were
beautiful. We also were able to see them perched in the trees.
As we were floating in the middle of the river a guy from shore called us on
the radio and asked us if we were looking at the eagles. He also told
us that there was an eagle sanctuary across from Peter's landing. When
we got to that spot we thought we saw some of the nests. It had to be
the best day on the river yet. We got into Clifton around 6:00 pm and
there were 3 or 4 people out there helping us tie up. When we went
inside to sign in we ran into Dennis and Cindy from "Pivot Point," We met them last fall in Florence. It was great fun
to run into them again. They ended up eating all the catfish and there
was none left for us. We ate hamburgers, but they were really
good. We also met the great, great, great, bastard grandchild of Ulysses
S. Grant. Or at least it is possible that he could be. His name
was Ricky Lee. The only resemblance that I could see was maybe
the beard and the drinking problem. He of course ended up being Greg's new best friend. He was hilarious. We also met Fred Myers and
his wife. They were on the "Liberty Belle." Fred is
the author of several guide books on the Tennessee River, Tombigby Waterway,
and the Cumberland river. He signed our copy for us. He is a
wealth of information. This was by far one of the best days on the
10/30/2005 Sunday 7:00 pm - Julie at the marina fixed
us a great breakfast. It was a wonderful surprise. Greg and I
jumped on the bike and headed for Savannah. We had to pick up a few
things and wanted to do some sightseeing. We ended up at Wal-Mart and
decided to get hair cuts. I was so glad to get a cut and color.
They were really great there. I love my new do! We ate a really
late lunch at the Golden Dragon and then started back to Clifton. On
the way we decided to take some side roads and saw some really beautiful
country. We got back to Clifton and visited with Julie and Ricky
again. They are some good people.
10/31/2005 Monday 12:00 am - We got an early tee time
at the Bear Trace Golf Course. We were the only ones there for about
an hour. We immediately started losing balls. The up side is
that we ended up finding more balls than we lost. Evidently lots of
people lose their balls in the same area we did. What a tough
course. But it was beautiful anyway. We decided to leaveClifton
Marina and move onto Pickwick. For some reason Greg thought it was only 30 miles
away but it was actually 50 or 60. Then when we got to the lock we had
to wait for 3 hours for a barge to get through. At least the lock
master let us tie up in the small lock. We watched a movie and just
waited. It was a long night.
Heart of Gold!
November 2005 Log
11/01/2005 Tuesday 11:00 pm - We got up late this morning and
went to the lodge to have breakfast. It was a cloudy day and
cool. We decided not to go golfing after the beating we took yesterday
and did a little housekeeping. We met the neighbors and ended up
visiting with them most of the day. They were planning to take 3 years
off and their 15 daughter on a trip around the world. Kim, Amye, and I
took a walk in the woods looking for hickory nuts. We found a couple
of bags full. We came back to the boat had supper and watched a movie.
11/02/2005 Wednesday 8:00 pm - Had breakfast at the
lodge again and decided we would head off to Florence. It was a warm
and sunny day. We had gone about 10 miles when we spotted an anchorage
with a waterfall. It was gorgeous. Greg decided to go in
there and investigate and maybe we could stop there next year. Well,
it was so beautiful and deep we decided to go ahead and stay the
night. We got anchored and then unloaded the dinghy and went to
shore. Not too long after a pontoon boat came in and beached next to
us. They were an older couple that lived in the area. The four
of us went beach combing along the river. Found some glass and lots of
those little shells I like. We watched the other bank as the
sun set and just lit up all the trees and showed off what there is of the fall
colors. Not much color this year because of the lack of
rain. After they left we relaxed on the back of the boat for a while
and another boat beached next to us. They built a campfire and must
have had supper up there. Later in the evening they also left.
It was a so dark. There was no moon and we could see tons of stars.
11/03/2005 Thursday 10:00 pm - We got up early and
headed toward Florence. We were underway for a while when we noticed
bass boats headed down river in droves. I don't think I have ever seen
that many bass boats. We figured there must be a tournament of some
sort. The ride to Florence was a nice one but slow because we had to
slow down for all the fishermen. We did see some sort of bird
sunning itself. When we got into Florence there was a huge tent
set up and all kinds of activity. They were having a fishing
tournament and it was right here in Florence. We didn't go to our
slip but decided to stay on the gas dock since we had so much unloading to
do. We got settled in and relaxed a little when we heard the announcer
for the tournament. All the boats were coming in to get their fish
weighed. It was a steady stream of bass boats for several
hours. There were professional fisherman here with sponsors like
Kellogg's, DeWalt, Deep Woods Off, and Fuji Film. It seems like there
were hundreds of them. We went to Ricattoni's to eat supper and lament
over the fact that our trip is coming to an end. Came back to the boat
and watched cable TV! All in all a great day.